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Our Programs

We have developed an array of structured programs and educational tools for emerging adults (ages 18 to 29+) that provide the foundation needed for a successful journey to adulthood! All programs and workshops can be conducted on-site and catered to meet your needs.  

To learn more details and about scheduling and pricing CONTACT US!

NEW! Adulting: High School Edition - What To Expect When Becoming An Adult

This unique program is specifically designed for high school students and provides an awareness of the life skills needed and challenges faced in becoming an adult.  It also offers the tools to navigate the journey successfully, regardless of the path chosen after high school.

NEW! Adulting: College Edition

This program is developed for traditional and non-traditional students. It provides the essential tool-kit needed to navigate life after high school and into college. It addresses the obstacles that impact personal development and identifies the common pitfalls that can negatively affect the financial future of young adults.

Adulting: Emerging Adult Programs

A unique array of seminars, workshops, and services developed for emerging adults (ages 20 to 29+) as they leave school and enter the workforce. Participants will gain the practical knowledge and tools to make wise decisions in order to gain financial stability, and grow personally and professionally.

  •  Adulting: Financial Edition 1.0 & 2.0 Investing  These in-depth workshops were specifically designed to provide the practical tools needed for emerging adults to take control of their financial future. It addressed the challenges and pitfalls that hinder them from gaining financial independence. Participants gain the essential knowledge needed to make wise financial decisions and complete hands-on exercises by establishing a personalized budget and documenting their own financial legacy plan. 

            Topics Covered Included: Budgeting, Credit, Debt (Student Loans),                 Retirement Savings, Investing, and much more!

  • Adulting: Career Edition This professional development workshop will provide the practical tools to discover your purpose and gain an awareness of the impact this has on personal development and advancement as a professional. Participants are exposed to real-world examples, complete a hands-on self-reflection exercise and vision plan activity that ends with writing their own career legacy plan.

            Topics Covered Included: Self Awareness/Reflection, Personal                       Brand, Effective Communication, Career Basics, and much more!

Thriving Families Program

A series of educational workshops & resources are geared to support parents. This program raises awareness of what to expect when you have an “Emerging Adult” and equips parents with the practical tools to help guide and support them during this life stage.

  • Adulting: Parent Edition - This unique workshop will provide essential information about emerging adulthood.  Parents will be given real-world examples of what to expect during the post school years, learn about the common pitfalls that hinder personal development, and gain the practical tools for how to facilitate the transfer of ownership of their life to them more effectively. 

Legacy Club - Coming Soon!

This club is like no other as it is being developed by and for emerging adults. It will be a one-stop-shop of resources - offering professional development, career and leadership services, technical & core-competency training, and access to a strong professional network of support.

Professional Coaching Program - Coming Soon! 

We offer personalized coaching that will foster positive personal and professional development providing the critical support needed to achieve your goals.

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